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Post Info TOPIC: How is the job market in this sector?


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How is the job market in this sector?

Hi everyone, im about to start training for the AAT but before i did i wanted to clarifly if everywhere in the UK is the same.

Are you finding it hard to get a job in accounting even with experience?

Are there lots of roles in accounting in the UK still?

Once i have done the course how do you get the experience of 1 to 2 years? I have tried to get volunteer positions but none are interested.

Look forward to hearing your views, thanks Louisa


Forum Moderator & Expert

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Hi Louisa,

welcome to the forum.

A lot of people on here in the sam boat I'm affraid and at least you've spotted it early that once you've passed your exams getting the experience neccessary is often an absolute nightmare.

People on here tend to either end up going down the self employed route whether that was what they wanted up not. Or go down the temping route often taking entry level roles just to get foot in the door.

Note that in most instances self employed work does not count towards the experience necessary for membership. (Unless it's supervised and signed off by a suitably qualified accountant).

AAT is still one that opens doors into employment though so all that I can suggest is pass the exams and then apply for everything going even the one's that are a bit below you or a bit further away than you would like to travel as once you've got the letters and experience things should become a bit easier.

Good luck with your studies and really hope that it works out for you.

kind regards,




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Status: Offline
Posts: 2

Thanks thats really helpful x



Status: Offline
Posts: 1991

Where are u when we need to get rid of this spammer!!!!

God their English is appalling!!!!!



Forum Moderator & Expert

Status: Offline
Posts: 11981

I take it that site admin beat me too this one Amanda?



Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.

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